If you would like to donate to the CCDO, Inc. by Check, please mail your contribution to:
Cambodian Community Dream Organization, Inc.
PO Box 1195
New York NY 10028
Please be sure to enclose a note giving us your full name and mailing address along with your email address so that we can send you an acknowledgement of your donation.
Bank information to wire funds supplied upon request to usa@theccdo.org
Reminder to ask your company about Matching Funds Program. We will provide the necessary Tax Exempt Certificate. This can DOUBLE your donation.
Cambodian Community Dream Organization, Inc. does not sell, trade or distribute any information about our donors, except as required by the IRS or a court of law. Donor requests to remain anonymous are honored.
Cambodian Community Dream Organization, Inc. is a U.S.-registered charity with a 501(c)3 not-for-profit tax exempt status.
Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. The organization is also registered with the State of New York and the Kingdom of Cambodia.