About CCDO
We continue to build water wells and latrines; to date over 1,500 water wells and 600 latrines. Each well and latrine built is accompanied by health and hygiene workshops.
We Sponsor Childhood Education
Our organization Sponsors Education for 11,000 Cambodian children at 26 schools: Our original schools in Ampil district, Kiri and Ta Pang primary and secondary schools as well as Angkor Thom district. We operate 13 preschools. We also provide stationery and books as well as the much-needed English teachers, sports programs, and the library and computer programs. We have installed playgrounds, soccer fields and volleyball courts and a basketball field.
We currently sponsor 25 High School students and 20 University Students so that they can reach their full potential.
Free Breakfast Program
With our Free Breakfast Program, we feed 1,100 daily nutritious breakfasts and snacks with much of the vegetables grown in our two school gardens.
Built Infrastructure
We have built three libraries, two school kitchens, two toilet blocks, a new English classroom at Kiri and a new Learning and Cultural Center at Ta Pang with a computer lab. We have furnished 4 computer labs.
We organize Women's Health & Education Community workshops that include information on Anti-Trafficking, Puberty, Family Planning, Health & Hygiene, Nutrition.
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